Oct 15, 2009


She ran to the help of a child who was lost and about four years of age. Goodness, she must have screamed, as she wondered why anyone would be as callous to have left a child that young wandering on the ruthless streets of Lagos.
She must have thanked the heavens as she found in the grip of the infant a paper bearing an address that could just save the day. She immediately took a taxi there and walked straight to the door with most likely, the joy and fulfillment that comes from being a compassion-stricken heroine. She rang the bell and ……
Sammy needed to withdraw some money using his ATM card. At the dispensing machine, he met someone whose countenance showed robust confusion. He asked to be assisted so he could also withdraw some money as he is unlearned. Sammy hastily went about his withdrawal and helped out the fellow who he noticed gave the necessary details from a rather awkward position and distance.
I have beheld so many a time, very decently dressed and eloquent young men who share varying tales of their mishaps. They often claim they just came into town and ran out of money to continue the trip or got to their intended destination and discovered shockingly that the host had relocated long ago. As such, they would need all the assistance they can get to make a head way at least from the nearing danger of Lagos nights. Yet, they seem to be have made the same trip, with the same excuse, a week after.
She, the lady who helped the lost kid, took quick steps to the doorstep and on pressing the doorbell, passed out. Woke later in an empty room, nude! Sammy was later arrested for having his face show up in the CCTV camera that recorded the time and face that perpetrated an ATM scam. And me? I have felt fleeced over and again by people my age with excuses that I found ridiculously false, some days after.
I’m pushed to wonder who then deserves aid. What sorry face truly has a sorry heart? Whose outstretched arm longs to take beyond the money we offer? It’s caused my bank of compassion to shrink greatly. Sympathy is nearly taken over by suspicion and the delight once gained from granting aids now ruffled by the dreaded regret of emerging a victim of either cheap scam or ritualistic attacks. I know the Holy spirit makes it easier to know who’s in need and who’s in greed yet, they are times when you just wonder; what if I was wrong?

1 comment:

  1. You aren't alone in this....
    I am an active participator in this regard....
    Should i assist or should i dismiss.....
    Should i ward off? or lower my guard?
    Who is genuine and who is a fraud?
    What am i doing, believing every word?
    But then, acts of genuine kindness wrought from a clear conscience never goes unnoticed by the all seeing eye....
    Similarly, acts of deceit emanating from a bottomless pit never goes unpunished
    ......thats my consolation.


