Aug 9, 2009


It’s a concrete hard assumption that all men are egoistical. At least most of us have an ego that would not easily be cowed into mushy sentiments. Not even in the face of true life fictions. Well, shamelessly I must confess that mine melted as I watched the movie titled “In Pursuit of Happyness” come to an end.
I barely watch movies; it’s nearly an annual event for me. I thought lately however, to go fickle on that tradition. This movie is daring me into greater fickleness-and I mean that in a very positive sense.
How on earth do people write such cute scripts! I know it was first lived out as there’s a claim on it’s being a true life story but how do minds fuse fiction and reality and make it look so good as to cost me a stream of tears? A very brief stream of course.
Minds are irrefutably the most powerful things there are on earth. Did I hear you ponder along nuclear bomb lines? What conceived it? Coupled it and canvassed as the delight that countries now gratefully possess despite its potential disaster? Minds!
The offspring of some minds makes me truly wonder to what extent I use mine. It’s easy to say “In Pursuit of Happyness”, is that impressive? Well how do you write scripts like the James Bond’s newest series? How do minds conceive such fictions, direct them and leave us entranced for as long as a standard football match. I’m truly humbled yet greatly challenged.
If minds can craft engines to the point where one bolt is indispensible, then, I should be able one day, to craft articles and poems that leave a punch with every word. I will keep at this task until that day when hearts would race, and hormones would ignite the body’s entropy at the sound of my words.
The minds I seek here to emulate all have great and generational impacts, yet there are minds who would rather be “In Pursuit of Craftiness”. To these minds, I must warn that whatever a man sows, he would reap; and the ratio of seeds sown to harvest is at least, 1: infinity.

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